Dr Pagidipati Devaiah and Dr Pagidipati Rudrama Devi, noted doctors, entrepreneurs and philanthropists based out of Florida, USA has launched a non-profit , non-government voluntary organisation, known as NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR ADVANCEMENT OF DALITS, ADIVASIS and MINORITIES (NAADAM) had launched through which he renders various philanthrophic services for the benefit of the poorest of poor who hail from the under privileged and the marginalised communities of the society. It was Devaiah’s ambition and a deep desire to pay back to the society from where he came up that led to formation of NAADAM. The prime objective of NAADAM is to support the educational aspirations of students from weaker sections of the society including socially and economically backward.
Naadam is a non-government, non-profitable, and charitable organization that aims to serve the poorest of the poor people in matters of Health, by launching health clinics and mobile dispensaries.
Accordingly, Naadam’s Founders Dr. Pagidipati Devaiah and Dr. Rudramadevi have instituted a Naadam Clinic in Warangal in November 2017. The couple intends to serve the general public by providing sound health. They believe that service to humanity is service to God.
This clinic has all the basic facilities required to treat the patients. Health check-up, Laboratory, and pharmacy are available throughout the day. Well-trained staff have been recruited and appointed to take care of the patients.
The patients can register initially for a free treatment up to Rs.2000. Once that is done, medical services would continue to be given for subsidized prices. Naadam invites one and all to join in this scheme and benefit. Besides, special guidance and counselling too would be assisted here from the first consultation throughout the entire hospitalization process in matters of severe ailments.
What Dr. Devaiah today is, the fruit of education. The government must have paid one lakh of rupees for his entire education, which he wishes to repay to the society. He wants to reap rich harvest through this scheme of funding the youth of caliber.
Naadam aims to train true leaders from among the marginalized sections and the poor. The lower class people of the society have not really understood the values of educating their children, as they mostly depend on daily wages. Education is no more a burden to the poor people as the governments are providing free education for all. The government doesn’t take care of them once they complete 10+ education.
Likewise, several intelligent students are able perform well and gain ranks for higher education in the premier medical, and engineering colleges across India. This is the time that they need financial support or else they have to forgo better opportunities.
Naadam has realized the need and significance of providing financial support to such students who are capable of inspiring the youth, and transforming their communities. Hence the founders of Naadam, Drs. Devaiah and Rudramadevi have embraced this task of supporting the intelligent scholars with funds that go to Naadam’s “Revolving Fund”. This charitable deed began with 34 scholars in 2013, and is creeping up every year.
Those scholars that complete their education successfully are able find employment, and settle comfortably. Naadam invites all these scholars every year for an Annual Get-together, and celebrates its joy. “Naadam will have to function for a century without any hassle”, is the desire of its founders. Thus the objective of the organization is fulfilled gloriously.
Employment is another fundamental motto of the 5Es, which is being planned on. The very purpose of educating the marginalized scholars in the renowned medical, and engineering colleges is to help them to study well, and succeed in gaining employment on campus itself. Most of the Naadam scholars are able to find employment in certain companies, and settle to begin with. Especially, our medicos are earning adequately as soon as they take the degree.
Employment is the need of the hour. It quenches the hunger and necessities of the unemployed youth. This fact has been realized by the Naadam Governing Body. The Founders of Naadam, have established their own business centres both in the United States of America and India. These include both medical assistance as well as software technologies. The Pagidipati family has seven such companies that engage about 5000 employees.
In India, ‘Anion Health Insurance’ is one such, running successfully in Hyderabad, with a branch in Warangal. This company provided employment to about 250 youth that receive handsome pay regularly, with affable treatment.
“Inventcop Technologies” is another software company that provides employment to about 50 skilled personnel. Naadam Organization works as the CSR arm of these two companies. Dr. Pagidipati Devaiah is pondering on conducting ‘Job Mela’ by inviting as many companies as possible by which the unemployed youth could benefit.
NAADAM is formed on the holistic principles of empowerment through education, equality of social status, respect for fellow humans and environment, and spirit of nationalism
- Education at all levels must be made available to all categories of people. Proper education and awareness alone will create responsible, mature minds leading to social, economic and technical advancement of community and country
- Social inequality and economic backwardness must be wiped out through financial empowerment and independent livelihood.
- Young minds at school levels must be provided with good mentorship, exposure to better living, judicious thinking towards society.
- Feeling of oneness, erasing barriers of caste, creed and religion must be attained through broad thinking, mutual admiration, appreciation for hard work and sincerity.
- Access to affordable healthcare facilities and treatment of life threatening diseases even to the poorest of the poor
- Access to basic amenities like water, power, gas, transportation and communication for the underprivileged rural population.
- Women empowerment leading to pride, respect, safety and societal acceptance on equal platform
- Lastly, the spirit of nationalism and paying back to the community for betterment of more lives must be imbibed in every individual who is benefited through the welfare programs

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